Code Splitting in React: Boosting Performance and Speed

Kartik Budhraja
3 min readDec 5, 2023


What is Code Splitting?

Code splitting, a strategic technique in web development, revolves around breaking down JavaScript code into smaller, manageable modules. This method optimizes performance by selectively loading necessary code, minimizing initial load times, and enhancing user experience.

By segmenting code into smaller chunks, developers can prioritize loading essential components first, allowing the website to render faster. This technique is particularly beneficial for larger applications where loading all code upfront might slow down the initial page load.

Why is Code Splitting important?

By default, when you build a React application, all the JavaScript code is bundled into a single file. While this approach simplifies the development process, it can result in larger bundle sizes. A large bundle takes longer to load, especially on slower networks or mobile devices, leading to increased load times.

On the other hand, code splitting allows you to split your code into smaller chunks, which are loaded on-demand. This enables users to only download the necessary code when they navigate to a specific route or interact with a particular feature. As a result, the initial load time is significantly reduced, boosting the performance and user experience of the application.

How Does Code Splitting Benefit Your Web Application?

To boost your Javascript-based web application performance, you need to evaluate the code-splitting technique thoroughly. You will get the following advantages with this;

  • Reducing the initial payloads
  • Decreases the bandwidth usage
  • Enhance the loading time
  • Optimizes the user experience
  • Load only essential code for the particular feature

Furthermore, you might be concerned about how to measure the performance of your JavaScript to build web applications. There are various performance audit tools available. Using that you can evaluate key metrics like loading time, number of HTTP requests, and so on. Let’s dive into the tools list;

  • Lighthouse
  • WebPageTest
  • PageSpeed Insights
  • Chrome DevTools

Implementing Code Splitting in React

In a React application, you can implement code splitting using dynamic imports or the React.lazy() function for components. The following are common methods for applying code splitting in React:

1. Dynamic Imports

Dynamic imports use JavaScript’s native dynamic import() function to load modules on-demand. This method is typically used for splitting routes and loading components only when they are needed.

Here’s an example of dynamic imports in a React application:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class App extends Component {
loadComponent = async () => {
const dynamicComponent = await import('./DynamicComponent');
this.setState({ DynamicComponent: dynamicComponent.default });

render() {
const { DynamicComponent } = this.state;

return (
<button onClick={this.loadComponent}>Load Component</button>
{DynamicComponent && <DynamicComponent />}

export default App;

2. React.lazy()

The React.lazy() function allows you to load a component lazily, which means it is loaded only when needed. Combined with the Suspense component, you can provide a smooth loading experience while waiting for the lazily loaded component to be fetched and rendered.

Here’s an example of using React.lazy():

import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';

const DynamicComponent = lazy(() => import('./DynamicComponent'));

function App() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<DynamicComponent />

export default App;


Code splitting is a powerful technique for optimizing your React application’s load time. By splitting your code into smaller, on-demand chunks, you can significantly improve user experience and ensure that your application remains fast and responsive. It’s important to identify critical code paths, use tools like Webpack, and monitor the performance of your application to achieve the best results.

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